Pantam/toung drum emulator. Good for chill jams.

303 replica.


Trigger sequencer designed to work best with drum samples bubbles. Use the blob screen to control the sound and for switching between trigger patterns.

3 synths in one plus a performance sequencer. Move the color blobs around to create bass, lead and bell sounds (you can also stretch out the blobs with the trigger!). Press the loop buttons to loop your motions.

Magical bubble looper. Hit it to toggle it on/off. Move your controller over the spinning part to engage and control the stutter effect.

A magical instrument which turns bubble samples into sustained notes. You can trigger the sound by hitting it and control the pitch by pulling the chupchik.

Magical instrument which you can use to play bubbles. You can trigger the sound by hitting each of its sides. The pitch is quantized to global scale.

Bubble CombineR
Mix two bubbles together by FrankVonDerInsel

Bubble Slicer
Bubble editor by FrankVonDerInsel

An underwater dub vocal effects mic. Sing into it, or use it to capture your voice into new bubbles by clicking the toggle on the bottom.

A vicious synth style from the 90's saw tooth with detune, stereo width, a lot of dirt and raw soul!

Cube Slider CTRL

Curve draw
Custom 3D curves to control other parameters. Draw a unique curve inside the box. Patch the outputs to other dials/sliders to modulate them automatically.


Clip distortion effect

Drifter Random
Offsets the input jolt signal randomly within the set range.

E-Vibes 10
A 10-voice electric vibraphone emulator. Works best with the Vibes Keyboard.

Tape style delay effect

Envelop ADSR

Fader Frog

Field recorder
Record your voice, or any other device (through the input on the side) to create a new bubble! Hurray!

FilterNoise Blob
Pull to add noise to your track.

Nasty and wet mono flanger effect

Adjust the gain of audio that passes through this device. Set a multiplier to make quite sounds extra loud (but be careful don't blow your ears off!!)

Ghost Looper
Simple one channel Avatar looper

Ghost Section
Record your Avater, retrigger, loop and trim it.

Ghost Station
4-channel ghost looper, records your avatar doing and saying stuff in loops.

Ghost Timeline
Record your Avatar on a global timeline

Home grown
Bubble keyboard with a lot of yummy effects.

Icey Slicer

Put a bubble in it and Jangle it!

Jolt looper
Records slider movements and loops them to modulate any other slider or dial interfaces.

Play bubbles in the rhythm and on the scale.

LFO Light

Lil HiHat
Simple Hi Hat drum box with looper.

Lil Kick
Simple Kick drum box with looper.

Lil Snare
Simple Snare drum box with looper.


A FANTASTIC AUDIO LOOPER! Great for voice or anything, make sure to adjust your latency dial when recording with the quest microphone


A big ass marimba, inspired by Baganda people music from Uganda

Master scope
Wavefrom scope

Master spectrum
Don't forget to check your waveform kids!

Mayham 808
Killer 808 melodic bass drum, with sequencer.

Melody Sequencer
Perfect sequencer to write melodies on


Midi input unit
To be used inside your own instruments, this converts 0-1 float values to midi numbers and arranges the the signals in a nice way. The note on/off functionality is still experimental.

Mini stepper
A simple yet powerful stackable sequencer, dedicated for drums. Use it with sample bubbles or connect it to synth drums.

Simple little sequencer with timeline, great for making quick patterns with bubbles and triggering different things.

An 8-channel light-on CPU mixer to mix together the sounds of different devices. You need to connect it to a mixer to hear the audio.

Node Sequencer
Chain these nodes together to build your sequence!

OSC Bridge 4 Ableton Live

pitch bend
A slider that snaps back to middle like a... a... Pitchbend! With range control and the whole shebang.

PJC comp
Compressor by PJC.

Poly Steppa

Pull Blob CTRL


Quntizer light

Basic movement between 2 numbers over a curve, use this to trigger transitions and generate envelopes.


Rotory speaker
A spatial speaker that rotates around the room, making any sound you feed it zoom around your environment :) this is what they used to use for vintage organs, it can add amazing spacey vibes to your music.

Put a bubble in it, connect a keyboard and play that bubble baby, it's a bubble sampler!!

Slider CTRL

Space Djembe
Put a bubble, play it, loop it. Automatically adds some pitch, eq and decay control to make it sound like a drum - best for percussion samples like congas and bongos.

Spatial speaker
Outputs sound from its position in 3D space. Connect the audio from instruments and effects to hear them in the virtual environment.

All square waves madness

A sick DJ table yeee, you can play bubbles in a loop, scratch, re-pitch and mess them all up!

Stepper 8B

Stereo Speaker
A mono-to-stereo speaker. Connect audio here, set its gain and panning to bring it directly to the stereo output of your headset/headphones.

4-channel stereo mixer with panning and stereo width expander. Great for expanding your sounds.

Super Stepper

Weird noisy thing

Similar to the Boofer, this underwater creature turns any bubble into a sustained sound, however, there is no need to pull its tail to change the pitch so you can play with one hand!

timey time woohoo

TM SynthDrum
A new boxing of the TMDrumSynth core device, great for making a wide variety of percussive sounds.

Simple compressor by Tig3rMaster

tmEq Peak
Simple one-band EQ insert

tmEq Shelf
Simple one-node shelf EQ by the legend Tig3rMaster


TMSD Cymbal

TMSD Looper

TMSD Sample

Toggle CTRL

Modulates the amplitude of incoming signals

Vibes Keyboard
A highly dynamic midi vibraphone, hit the pads to trigger and note, and velocity signals from the outputs. This keyboard does not make sound, you have to connect it to a synth or sampler.

Volume Meter
Checks your volume meter


Metronome together with global tempo control.

An empty beer bottle. Hit it or place it under marbles to make a sound. Stretch it with both controllers to change the pitch.

Grab and shake it!

Frame Drum
Bang it, stretch it, tweak it, smack it.

Frying Pan
Let's cook!

Groove Gun

A discarded matchbox. Hit it or place it under marbles to make a sound. Stretch it with both controllers to change the pitch.

Melody Shsker
Grab and move it!

Look at yourself!

What the...

Make it rain marbles, put objects, bubbles, and pads under the marbles to make them play, and create a path for the marble to ding dong along. Change the rate of the marbles by clicking the edit button in the cloud.

A juicy sausage. Hit it or place it under marbles to make a sound. Stretch it with both controllers to change the pitch.

An ancient skull. Hit it or place it under marbles to make a sound. Stretch it with both controllers to change the pitch.

You can take pictures with this one! Hit the button to create an image, adjust the zoom, and set if you want it a normal, 360, or orthogonal (no perspective) style.

Solar Ball BLU
A ball you can throw that make sound, weeeee....

Solar Ball PNK
A ball you can throw that make sound, weeeee....

Solar Ball RED
A ball you can throw that make sound, weeeee....

Solar Ball YLO
A ball you can throw that make sound, weeeee....

A circular sequencer! Put bubbles, and other hittable objects in the spinny part, and it will play when the stick passes through it

String Box

The Thing
Be careful of The Thing!

A broken umbrella. Hit it or place it under marbles to make a sound. Stretch it with both controllers to change the pitch.

Sends a value on world load. Useful to set initial values/states.


Lamp Light
Creates a light source in your world, can use many with different colors!

MR Spotlight
When mixed reality is active, this flashlight can show the real world, when off, this is just a flashlight to add directional light.

this is fireeeee

Smoke Machine
Be careful with this one! Intense smoke in a concentrated area can choke your GPU and cause glitchy and broken gameplay.

Spark Box
This is a great way to add some sparkle hot flames to your world, it has 5 different designs and a lot of customization options.

Sun Setter
Controls your worlds sun direction, color, intensity and shadow settings. Only one can exist in a world.

World Color Setup
Controls the background color, ambient/shadow light, the fog color and distance in your world. Only one of this device can be used in a world.